Celebrating Backhausdance’s 22nd Season!
MARCH 8, 2025
The Pacific Club
4110 MacArthur Blvd
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Attire: Cocktail Chic; Wearing pink is strongly encouraged!
Join us for a delightful evening of dance, food, and fundraising for our 22nd season!
VIP Guest Table, Spring Fête 2023
Make your plans now for our annual Spring Fête on Saturday, March 8, 2025, 5:30pm - 10pm, to be held at the Pacific Club in Newport Beach. You and your guests will have a joyful and entertaining experience while supporting Backhausdance, Orange County’s award-winning contemporary dance company, celebrating our 22nd season! The evening features special performances by Backhausdance company members, a varied silent auction, stunning visual media presentations of recent work and projects, a photo booth, surprises, and of course - a dance party - with live music provided by our favorite cover band, The Trip!
Enjoy cocktails, tray-passed h’ors d’oeuvres and a three-course dinner designed to please your palate.
We can’t wait to share this wonderful evening and celebrate dance, culture and performance with you! Make it a date night to remember or fill up a table with friends and family!
Reservations requested by February 22, 2025 to allow for accurate planning.
Jenny Backhaus and Mike Kerr, Spring Fête 2023
Silent Auction Prizes, Spring Fête 2023
Before the big event, get a sneak peek of some of our silent auction items that will be available to bid on at our 2025 Spring Fête!
Remember, at the event we will have a “Buy it Now” option for some items, so come early if you want to make sure you nab an item you’re looking for!
VIP Table of 10: $3,750
VIP ticket: $375
VIP Guests receive premium table placement, exclusive wine, and specialty items.
Standard Table of 10: $2,750
Standard ticket: $275
Can’t attend? Consider sponsoring a table! Email kim@backhausdance.org for more information.
VIP guest table, Sping Fête 2022
For more information and to sponsor a table or to provide silent auction items, please email Kim Olmos at kim@backhausdance.org